An integral aspect of any company is ensuring its people embody its core values. Doing so fosters a...
The Real Power of Core Values: Why Living Them Matters More Than Just Writing Them Down
When I think about the importance of core values in business, I don't think of the polished words in a company handbook or the slogans painted on office walls. Instead, I focus on a simple but powerful question: Does your team feel these values driving everyday actions?
Core values are the guiding principles that shape how we work, make decisions, and interact with customers. But too often, they remain aspirational rather than operational. It's easy to declare core values like "Integrity," "Customer First," or "Do The Right Thing." Still, the challenge lies in turning these words into behaviors people can see and experience daily. This process requires consistent effort, clear communication, and a willingness to hold ourselves and others accountable.
Core Values Should Be Experienced, Not Just Communicated
One core value that stands out for me and my team at HeyTaco is #DoTheRightThing. It's more than a catchy phrase; it's a commitment that guides our actions, especially when doing the right thing might seem less profitable or more time-consuming.
For example, if a customer uninstalls our app but forgets to cancel their subscription, we don't wait for them to notice and request a refund. Instead, we proactively cancel their subscription. Yes, we could continue charging because they technically didn't cancel, but knowing their intent, we decide to put the customer first.
This simple action embodies our core value of doing the right thing. When my team sees me making these choices as the CEO, it sends a clear message about what we stand for as a company.
Why Core Values Have to Be Modeled from the Top
As a founder, I firmly believe that core values must be lived by leadership to truly resonate within the company. This is a 'top-down' approach to culture building, where my actions set the tone for what is acceptable and expected. If I don't live by our core values, why should my team? My commitment to our values isn't just a responsibility; it's also an inspiration for the team to follow suit.
When leadership consistently demonstrates core values, it helps people understand what "good" looks like. It's about showing, not just telling. This is how values become part of the company's DNA, influencing decisions from the smallest customer interaction to the biggest strategic pivot.
On the other hand, if core values are just words on a slide deck or office wall, they lose their impact. They become vague ideals that employees might acknowledge in meetings but forget in their day-to-day work. Without tangible examples from leadership, the team may struggle to understand what the values mean and how to apply them in their roles.
Embedding Core Values into Everyday Actions
Making core values part of your everyday operations doesn't require grand gestures. The small, consistent actions add up over time and create a culture where values are truly lived. Here's how I try to embed them at HeyTaco:
- Lead by Example: I strive to demonstrate our core values in everything I do, whether handling a tricky customer situation or making a difficult business decision.
- Celebrate Moments of Integrity: We recognize when team members live out our values. This could be as simple as a shoutout during a meeting or celebrating them with tacos. To make the moment event bigger you can use Taco Tags.
- Hire with Values in Mind: We don't just look for skills when hiring; we seek alignment with our core values. Maintaining a values-driven culture is much easier when everyone on the team shares the same fundamental beliefs.
- Make Values Part of Feedback: We incorporate core values into our feedback process. When giving praise or constructive criticism, we tie it back to how it aligns with or diverges from our core values. This reinforces their importance and helps employees understand how to embody them.
The Ripple Effect of Living Your Values
Living your core values as a leader creates a ripple effect throughout your organization. It builds trust and fosters a sense of alignment because people see that what you say and do is in sync. This kind of integrity isn't just good for company culture; it's good for business. Customers feel it, partners see it, and the team experiences it. It's how you build a brand that people work for and believe in.
When core values are truly lived, they can transform a company. They create a shared sense of purpose and guide the team in making decisions that align with the company's mission, even when no one is watching.
So, next time you think about your core values, don't ask if they sound impressive or inspiring. Ask if your team feels them in action every day. The real power of core values lies not in the words themselves but in the way they are lived out, day in and day out.
If you're a founder or leader, I challenge you to reflect on how you're living your core values. Are they something your team experiences every day? Or are they just words on a wall? The answer to this question might be the key to unlocking a stronger, more aligned culture.
Thanks for reading! 🌮
Doug Dosberg
Founder & CEO at HeyTaco
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